Florida HVAC Rebates

Florida Rebate Hunting 101

Upgrades to your home, including your climate control systems, can be expensive. It pays to do a little research about ways to put money back in your pocket – through available rebates and energy incentives.

The wrinkle is that finding the programs and making sure they are current is a moving target. Climate Control Concepts wants you to maximize your investment. That is why we have provided a guide to some of the more stable rebates and tax credits available. However, you must double check that they are still valid and current before you count your chickens.

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Rebates for HVAC Systems and Energy Efficiency

Florida Power & Light

Air Conditioning Rebates

Buying a new air conditioning system is a big decision and investment. Purchasing an energy-efficient air conditioning unit will help you realize significant savings year after year.

Here are some of the conditions to qualify for a $150 air conditioning rebate from FPL:

  • Purchase and install a complete new straight cool/air cooled high-efficiency A/C system. This includes both indoor and outdoor A/C units.
  • New unit must have a SEER rating of 16 or 17.
  • New unit must be installed in a single-family detached home.


Florida Power and Light

Residential Energy Efficiency Program

This is a wide-ranging program that offers significant rebates on the purchase and installation of qualifying energy-efficient equipment including:

  • Heat pumps- Rebates from $140-$1,930 based on size & efficiency of the equipment
  • Central air conditioners– Rebates same as for heat pumps
  • Ductwork/Air sealing – Rebate up to $154
  • Insulation – Rebates vary based on existing insulation levels
  • Reflective roofs, metal or tile – $325

Single-family, multi-family and installer/contractor projects are applicable sectors for this program.


Florida Public Utilities

Residential HVAC Rebate Program

This program offers rebates for the installation of a heat pump or central air conditioner with a SEER rating of 14.0 or higher. Since the minimum heat pump and AC rating of any unit sold in 2017 must be 14, anyone installing a unit will qualify for this rebate. The rebate is $100. Single-family and multi-family residential units are eligible.


For more or new incentives check: Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (http://www.dsireusa.org)

Family Owned • Family Operated • Family Values

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